• “ Turmeric has become so ubiquitous that it’s starting to appear in skin-care products, which honestly makes sense considering its reputation for gifting a glow folks who swear by it.”

  • “Every one of the items combines the blessings of the earth and spices, such as combining cleansing lavender and turmeric with a powerful antioxidant-based volcanic ash mask."

  • “If you have sensitive skin like me, it’s great because it’s organic and offers Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Plus, I only have to apply it once a day without it feeling heavy.”

  • "A few times a week I use the Shaffali Pineapple + Peppermint Facial Exfoliant, which smells amazing, and every few months I'll go get a facial."

  • "Shaffali Skincare, founded by Shaffali Miglani in New York, uses Indian ingredients like turmeric and sandalwood, which Ms. Miglani's mother praised as beauty essentials throughout her childhood in Pawtucket, R.I."

  • “I do a detox mask after I exfoliate, when my skin is ready to purge. The Shaffali Volcanic Ash mask is super gentle, non-irritating, and smells like sandalwood."